21st January- 19th February
Adroit   |   Empathetic   |   Curious
of rivers, lakes and pools

These demonic water imps inhabit the banks of rivers. Their limbs are frog-like, but they’re not entirely soft; both beaked and shelled, Kappas are wildly curious strategists and they travel in packs.

Sharply perceptive. Dangerous, frankly, but easily mollified with a humble offering of cucumber. Incredible that watery seeded flesh could stand in for people-meat, but these creatures will surprise you.

Not without weakness; if the dish-shaped depression on their crown ever dries out, their time is short.

They’re tranquil dreamers, yes, but they get hungry just like the rest of us. For this, they’ve shouldered an unfair amount of blame for watery deaths.

Sure, they’ve caused a few drownings over time. Maybe eaten the occasional child - but to their community, they are helpful, principled empaths.

Murderous, but incredibly polite.

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