YUP. 3rd year running and this time I went full-cheese with my submission.
I can't show you because it's secret until after the sale. But you know, it's there. And leaves.
Anyway, this year's exhibition is now open at Somerset House until May 3rd. Yes! I've never experienced the visceral rush of having a superior approve of me in a manner that led to a promotion, so having a painting on show at Somerset House means I get to award myself 1 Life Point - irrespective of the fact that I can't even prove to you which one is mine and that it does in fact exist.
At any time I get to cash in a Life Point for One Bucket of Chocolate at my own expense. It comes with free Self Loathing, Vomit Feelings and weight gain so I'm riding pretty high right now. I'm nearly 30 and am making up my own unit measurement of self worth (WITH shortcomings), so things are pretty okay ish right now.
At 10am on May 4th you can attend the sale and fight strangers for sleeves that you think Someone Excellent may have touched and if you lose at that you can buy mine. All proceeds go to charity.
This year there are some big names in there, but I'm going to level with you and say that right now I can't remember which ones they are. I should be so lucky to exhibit with them and forget who they are. (I'm just really hungry right now and can't think beyond sorting that out)
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